Starter Switch Bezel

About this product

The Starter Switch Bezel (#55414-10110), a crucial body part in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, plays a fundamental role in protecting the starter switch, ensuring proper functionality. It provides a solid frame around the starter switch, thereby preventing accidental damage. Genuine Toyota Autoparts like this are optimal for maintaining vehicle compatibility, and they are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With time, the Starter Switch Bezel (#55414-10110) can wear down, becoming less effective in fulfilling its protective role. A damaged, aged, or non-functional bezel may expose the starter switch to potential harm, affecting the operation of the vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. A well-maintained Starter Switch Bezel (#55414-10110) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle system. It aids in safeguarding the starter switch, thus promoting the vehicle's safe operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55414-10110

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