
About this product

The Toyota Block (#11401-19037), a crucial component in the Cylinder Block (#11401-19037) system, plays a central role in housing the engine's cylinders and other key parts. As a part of Engine-Fuel category, the Block (#11401-19037) provides support to the pistons and lets coolant flow through its passages, keeping the engine clean and cool during operation. Genuine Toyota Block (#11401-19037)s are compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind. However, like all parts, Block (#11401-19037)s can wear out over time. An old or broken Block (#11401-19037) can cause engine leaks, leading to inefficiencies and potentially severe engine damage. By replacing your Block (#11401-19037) periodically, you can maintain optimal performance and safety of your vehicle. A well-functioning Block (#11401-19037) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the engine, maintaining its operational temperature, and prolonging its lifespan.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11401-19035;11401-19036
Part Number 11401-19037

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