Cylinder Block Assembly

About this product

The Cylinder Block Assembly (#11410-09222), a key component in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a pivotal role in the operation of a vehicle. This genuine Toyota auto part houses the cylinders and their respective pistons, contributing to the combustion process necessary for the vehicle to run. It's a crucial component that needs periodic replacement, as an old or non-functional Cylinder Block Assembly (#11410-09222) can lead to engine failure. Genuine Toyota parts like this one are not only compatible with your vehicle, but also come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Cylinder Block Assembly (#11410-09222)'s role is vital for the overall efficiency of the system. Failure to replace this auto part in a timely manner could potentially lead to a decrease in engine performance or even compromise the safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11410-09221;11410-09220
Part Number 11410-09222

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