Engine Room Junction Block Assembly

About this product

The Engine Room Junction Block Assembly (#82720-06131) from Toyota Autoparts plays a pivotal role in the Switch & Relay & Computer system as an electrical part. This complex component manages the distribution of power to various parts of the vehicle, ensuring optimal electrical system functionality. It utilizes various fuses, relays, and circuits in its operation. The Engine Room Junction Block Assembly (#82720-06131) necessitates regular replacement. As it ages or breaks, the electrical distribution can be hindered, potentially leading to system failures or even safety risks. Genuine parts from Toyota Autoparts are not only compatible with your vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Engine Room Junction Block Assembly (#82720-06131) greatly contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle's electrical system, and consequently, the safety and reliability of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 82720-06130
Part Number 82720-06131

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