Junction Block Assembly

About this product

The Junction Block Assembly (#82670-30020), a crucial component in the Wiring & Clamp system, plays a pivotal role in managing electrical connections in your Toyota vehicle. Essentially a hub, it consolidates various circuits into one central location, facilitating efficient power distribution while reducing the clutter of wiring. Over time, however, this assembly can become worn or damaged, compromising its performance. A malfunctioning junction block assembly could lead to electrical issues within your vehicle, proving detrimental to its operational efficiency and safety. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine parts is recommended. Using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility with your car but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Junction Block Assembly (#82670-30020) helps in maintaining the electrical integrity of your car, contributing significantly to its overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82670-30020

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