Connector Holder Block

About this product

The Connector Holder Block (#82664-0C020), an essential component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a crucial role in managing and securing electrical connections within the system. This auto part functions as a secure junction point, holding together multiple electrical connectors to promote smooth electrical flow while the system is engaged. The mechanisms involved in its function include the various connectors it houses, which transmit electrical signals between different parts of the vehicle. Its efficiency may degrade over time due to dust, dirt, and regular wear and tear, possibly leading to electrical malfunctions or system failures. Replacing this part periodically is essential, as a compromised Connector Holder Block (#82664-0C020) may disrupt the electrical flow, affecting the system's overall functionality and safety. Genuine Toyota parts like this are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With a new Connector Holder Block (#82664-0C020) installed, your vehicle's electrical system can function at its peak efficiency, ensuring a seamless and safe operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82664-0C020

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