Relay Block Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Relay Block Sub-Assembly (#82602-35150) is a pivotal component of the Switch & Relay & Computer system in your Toyota. This electrical part acts as the central hub for all relays, regulating power distribution for various automotive systems. Genuine Toyota parts like the Relay Block Sub-Assembly (#82602-35150) are optimal for vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of this part is crucial. As it ages, the Relay Block Sub-Assembly (#82602-35150) may corrode or wear, hampering its ability to distribute power effectively. If non-functional, this can lead to system failures or malfunctions. By efficiently managing power distribution, the Relay Block Sub-Assembly (#82602-35150) plays a critical role in maintaining the system's safety and performance, making your drive smoother and more reliable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82602-35150

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