Windshield Block Rest

About this product

The Windshield Block Rest (#53334-90300), an essential component within the Hood & Front Fender system, plays a significant role in maintaining the windshield's stability. This Body part functions by providing a secure base for the windshield, keeping it firmly in place during vehicle operation. Its main components include the block rest itself, necessary fasteners, and the contact area that holds the windshield. Like any other part, the Windshield Block Rest (#53334-90300) should be replaced over time. As it becomes old or damaged, the windshield's stability can be compromised, leading to potential safety risks. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The proper functioning of the Windshield Block Rest (#53334-90300) is crucial to the safety of the vehicle occupants. It not only ensures windshield stability but also contributes to the overall structural integrity of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53334-90300

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