Blower Assembly

About this product

The Blower Assembly (#87130-47070), an essential part within the Battery & Battery Cable system of your Toyota, is an electrical component that plays a pivotal role in vehicle operation. It effectively manages the cooling and ventilation of your vehicle's battery, thus maintaining its optimal performance and longevity. The Blower Assembly (#87130-47070) operates by regulating airflow, ensuring the battery is kept cool during operation. Over time, the Blower Assembly (#87130-47070) can become worn or clogged, potentially leading to overheating, decreased battery life, and even system failure. Therefore, it's crucial to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts, as they provide unrivaled compatibility with your vehicle. Not only are genuine Toyota parts designed to fit and function seamlessly with your vehicle, but they are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, a well-functioning Blower Assembly (#87130-47070) is fundamental to the overall efficiency, safety, and reliability of your vehicle's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87130-47070

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