Seat Cushion Climate Cont Blower Assembly

About this product

The Seat Cushion Climate Cont Blower Assembly (#85860-42010), a vital component in Toyota's Rear Seat & Seat Track system, greatly enhances passenger comfort by regulating temperature of the seat cushion. This Assembly operates by channeling warm or cool air into the seat cushion as needed, contributing to a comfortable, controlled environment on extended drives. Like all mechanical parts, it is susceptible to wear and tear and over time, the blower assembly may become clogged or broken. This can result in an inability to regulate seat temperature, leading to uncomfortable driving experiences. Thus, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is strongly recommended. Genuine parts offer optimum compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Seat Cushion Climate Cont Blower Assembly (#85860-42010) is integral to the system’s overall efficiency and the comfort of rear seat passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85860-42010

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