Seat Cushion Climate Control Blower

About this product

The Seat Cushion Climate Control Blower (#85862-07020), a crucial body part in the Front Seat & Seat Track system for Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in maintaining comfortable seat temperature. It works by circulating air throughout the seat cushion, reducing heat buildup and enhancing passenger comfort. Genuine Toyota parts like this ensure compatibility with the vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular maintenance of this part is crucial. An aged, clogged, or broken Seat Cushion Climate Control Blower (#85862-07020) can compromise comfortable seating conditions, potentially causing overheating or inadequate cooling during journey. Regular replacement prevents such scenarios, ensuring a consistent and comfortable in-car environment. Overall, the Seat Cushion Climate Control Blower (#85862-07020) significantly contributes to the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle, enhancing the overall driving experience by ensuring optimal seat temperatures.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85862-07020

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