Front Seat Back Board #2

About this product

The Front Seat Back Board #2 (#71772-WAA01), a vital body part in the Front Seat & Seat Track system, provides critical structural support and comfort to the vehicle's seat. It operates as the primary load-bearing element for the passenger's back, working in conjunction with the seat cushion to distribute weight evenly. The Front Seat Back Board #2 (#71772-WAA01)'s functionality depends on its integrity; degradation can compromise safety and comfort. Over time, it may become worn or damaged, necessitating replacement. A faulty Front Seat Back Board #2 (#71772-WAA01) can lead to discomfort during travel and, in worst-case scenarios, lesser protection during rear-end collisions. As with all components, Toyota recommends using genuine parts for optimal compatibility. Genuine parts like the Front Seat Back Board #2 (#71772-WAA01) are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Front Seat Back Board #2 (#71772-WAA01) contributes significantly to the system's overall safety, ensuring a comfortable and secure seating experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71772-WAA01

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