Rear Seat Back Board

About this product

The Toyota Rear Seat Back Board (#71881-08020) is a vital part of the Rear Seat & Seat Track system. This Body part is primarily responsible for providing support and comfort to passengers seated in the rear of the vehicle. As the vehicle is in motion, the Rear Seat Back Board (#71881-08020) stands firm, ensuring passengers maintain their posture and stability. Like every other part, it is susceptible to wear, tear, and damage with time, necessitating its periodic replacement. Failing to replace an old, broken, or non-functional Rear Seat Back Board (#71881-08020) can compromise passenger comfort and potentially disrupt the functionality of the Rear Seat & Seat Track system. Remember, using genuine Toyota parts like the Rear Seat Back Board (#71881-08020) is crucial for maintaining vehicle compatibility. These parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Rear Seat Back Board (#71881-08020)'s role in providing support, comfort, and stability significantly contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle, making it an essential component in your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71881-08020

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