Sub Seat Cover Board

About this product

The Sub Seat Cover Board (#78827-04010), a key component in the Seat & Seat Track system, plays a paramount role in maintaining the stability and integrity of the vehicle's seats. This Body part, specifically designed for compatibility with Toyota vehicles, offers reliable performance thanks to Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Sub Seat Cover Board (#78827-04010) provides support and structure to the seat cover, ensuring comfort and durability. However, over time, wear and tear can diminish its efficacy, necessitating its replacement. Failure to replace a worn-out Sub Seat Cover Board (#78827-04010) may result in a compromised seat structure, leading to discomfort and potential safety concerns. When in optimal condition, the Sub Seat Cover Board (#78827-04010) contributes significantly to the overall comfort, efficiency, and safety of the vehicle's seating system. It's a genuine part that enhances the driving experience while reinforcing Toyota's commitment to quality and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 78827-04010

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