
About this product

The Body (#44673-28190) is a critical Drive-Chassis component within the Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system of your Toyota vehicle. It functions primarily as a container, housing the internal components of the system to enable efficient braking. The Body (#44673-28190) forms an integral part of the Brake Booster mechanism where it assists in augmenting the force applied to the pedal to enable effective stopping of the vehicle. A worn-out or broken Body (#44673-28190) can hamper the optimal functioning of your brake system, potentially leading to compromised safety. Periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is advisable, since these are designed for vehicle compatibility and supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Maintaining the Body (#44673-28190) in good condition is essential to the overall efficiency and safety of your Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system, ensuring the longevity and reliable performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 44673-28190

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