Oil Pump Body

About this product

The Oil Pump Body (#15111-88600), a vital component in the Engine Oil Pump system, plays a significant role in the engine-fuel part of your Toyota vehicle. This part is responsible for housing and protecting the oil pump, which circulates engine oil to lubricate various engine components. When operational, the oil pump body ensures the smooth flow of oil, maintaining peak engine performance. However, as with all components, it can degrade over time. If the oil pump body becomes old, damaged, or non-functional, it can compromise the efficiency of the oil pump system, potentially leading to engine damage due to inadequate lubrication. Therefore, it is necessary to check and replace this part periodically to maintain optimal engine functionality. Genuine Toyota parts, including the oil pump body, offer the advantage of precise vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, the oil pump body's role in maintaining engine lubrication significantly contributes to the overall safety, efficiency, and longevity of the vehicle's engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 15111-88600

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