
About this product

The Bolt (#90109-06304), a vital body part within the Hood & Front Fender system of a Toyota vehicle, serves a primary role in securing and fastening together different components. As a fundamental fastener, it ensures that the hood and front fender are tightly held in place, maintaining the car’s structural integrity while in operation. The Bolt (#90109-06304) interacts with other closely related components such as nuts and washers to provide a secure fit. With time and use, bolts can wear out, become loose, break or corrode, impacting the system's structural security. This might lead to rattling, misalignment, or even failure of the hood and front fender. Genuine Toyota bolts, designed to fit your vehicle perfectly, are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. They play an invaluable role in the overall stability and safety of your Toyota, contributing to a smooth and secure driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90109-06304

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