
About this product

The Bolt (#90118-WB634), an essential Drive-Chassis part within the Shift Lever & Retainer system, mainly functions to secure and position various components tightly together. As the vehicle maneuvers, the Bolt (#90118-WB634) ensures that the shift lever remains intact, providing smooth transmission operation. However, like other parts, Bolt (#90118-WB634)s are subject to wear and tear and will require replacement over time. Failure to replace a worn-out Bolt (#90118-WB634) can lead to loose components within the Shift Lever & Retainer system, potentially causing erratic shifting behavior or transmission damage. By using a genuine Toyota Bolt (#90118-WB634), vehicle compatibility is optimized, and the part is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-maintained Bolt (#90118-WB634) contributes significantly to the efficiency of the Shift Lever & Retainer system, thus, ensuring safety and seamless vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WB634

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