
About this product

The Bolt (#90984-01007), an essential auto part in Toyota's Electrical Overdrive & Electronic Controlled Transmission and Electrical Switch & Relay & Computer systems, plays a critical role in ensuring the effective operation of these systems. Acting as the locking or securing component, this bolt is essential for maintaining proper alignment and strength of various mechanical parts in these systems. Genuine Toyota bolts offer precise fit and compatibility, and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, bolts can become worn or corroded, which can impair their ability to secure parts effectively. If not replaced periodically, these bolts can cause loosening of components, leading to potentially damaging vibrations or misalignment. The Bolt (#90984-01007) contributes to the safety and efficiency of its system by providing secure and consistent connections between components, thereby enhancing the stability and performance of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90984-01007

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