Alternator Through Bolt

About this product

The Alternator Through Bolt (#12515-0A010), an integral part of Toyota's Engine-Fuel Mounting system, plays a paramount role in firmly securing the alternator to the engine. The bolt goes through the alternator, allowing it to pivot for belt tensioning. This is crucial, as it ensures the alternator runs optimally, generating sufficient energy to power various car systems. When this bolt becomes worn out or breaks, it can lead to significant issues with the alternator, such as erratic energy generation, impacting the vehicle's overall performance. Thus, periodic replacement of the Alternator Through Bolt (#12515-0A010) is important to maintain system efficiency. Genuine parts from Toyota not only offer perfect compatibility with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Alternator Through Bolt (#12515-0A010) is a key component that ensures the safe and efficient operation of your vehicle's alternator, contributing to the overall performance of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 12515-20010
Part Number 12515-0A010

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