Camshaft Cap Bolt

About this product

The Camshaft Cap Bolt (#90118-WB426), an integral part of the Cylinder Head system in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a crucial role in affixing the camshaft cap securely. This bolt ensures the camshaft, which is responsible for the opening and closing of engine valves, remains accurately positioned. The bolt works in harmony with other components to deliver optimal engine performance. Periodic replacement of the Camshaft Cap Bolt (#90118-WB426) is essential as wear and tear could lead to inadequate fixation of the camshaft, resulting in potential engine misfiring or breakdown. Genuine Toyota Camshaft Cap Bolt (#90118-WB426)s have been specifically designed for maximum compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The bolt's robust and secure function enhances the efficiency of the Cylinder Head system, thereby contributing to the overall health and safety of the vehicle's engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WB426

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