Compressor Bolt

About this product

The Compressor Bolt (#88329-30010), a critical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Compressor system, holds the AC compressor in place, thus allowing it to function optimally. This Electrical part plays a pivotal role in maintaining the compressor's stability, thereby facilitating the smooth operation of the air conditioning system. Its failure could lead to the displacement of the compressor, causing malfunctions in the air conditioning system. Periodic replacement of the Compressor Bolt (#88329-30010) is essential to prevent any potential damage. An old or broken bolt can loosen over time, leading to issues with the car's air conditioning. Genuine Toyota parts like this bolt are ideal for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts Warranty. The Compressor Bolt (#88329-30010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the compressor system. A firmly held compressor ensures proper air conditioning, making drives comfortable irrespective of weather conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 88329-50010
Part Number 88329-30010

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