Flange Bolt

About this product

The Flange Bolt (#9008010224), a significant component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel/Mounting systems, plays a critical role in securely attaching various parts and components. It operates by exerting a clamping force that holds the parts tightly together, ensuring a robust and durable connection. Using genuine Toyota Autoparts such as this Flange Bolt (#9008010224) ensures vehicle compatibility and can help maintain optimal performance, with the added assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Flange Bolt (#9008010224) may corrode or wear out, and a weakened or damaged bolt could lead to parts loosening, potentially compromising the vehicle's performance or safety. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. The Flange Bolt (#9008010224) is instrumental in maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle by ensuring that all engine components are securely fastened.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90105-10490
Part Number 9008010224

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