Flange Bolt

About this product

The Flange Bolt (#90080-10297), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Pedal & Bracket system, plays a significant role in securing the brake pedal to the bracket. This bolt is designed to withstand extreme pressure and high stress during operation, offering a stable and secure connection to ensure optimal brake performance. A failure in the bolt can lead to a loose or unstable brake pedal, posing a serious safety risk. Over time, the Flange Bolt (#90080-10297) may wear out or corrode, impacting its function. When this happens, the bolt must be replaced with a genuine Toyota part to maintain vehicle compatibility and performance. Genuine parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering reassurance in their quality and reliability. Moreover, the Flange Bolt (#90080-10297)'s role in maintaining a secure connection contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the Brake Pedal & Bracket system, making it an indispensable component in vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90080-10297

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