Flange Bolt

About this product

The Flange Bolt (#91511-A0612), a vital component in the Toyota Cylinder Head system, plays an instrumental role in securing the cylinder head to the engine block. This Engine-Fuel part works in conjunction with other components, helping maintain the integrity of the internal combustion process. Like other auto parts, Flange Bolt (#91511-A0612)s need periodic replacement. Over time, bolts can weaken due to heat and pressure changes, which may lead to leaks or engine damage. Moreover, using genuine Toyota Flange Bolt (#91511-A0612)s can enhance vehicle compatibility while also being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the bigger scheme of things, a properly functioning Flange Bolt (#91511-A0612) contributes to the overall efficiency of the engine system, ensuring smooth and safe vehicle operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11101-79106;11101-79105;91515-A0616;91512-B0614;90105-06006;91521-40612
Part Number 91511-A0612

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