Flange Bolt with Washer

About this product

The Flange Bolt with Washer (#91672L1022), a fundamental part of the Body/Floor Side Member and Body/Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member systems in Toyota vehicles, performs the crucial role of securing and stabilizing these components. Acting as a firm fastener, it provides stability and tightness to the system, keeping the components in their places and preventing them from falling apart during operation. Over time, this bolt may wear out or become damaged which could cause loosened attachments and instability within the vehicle's body structure. Timely replacement of this part with a genuine Toyota part not only ensures compatibility but is also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, a well-maintained Flange Bolt with Washer (#91672L1022) significantly contributes to the overall structural integrity and safety of your Toyota vehicle, promoting a safe and smooth driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 91672L1022

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