Hex Bolt

About this product

Crucial to the Drive-Chassis/Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft (Mtm) system, the Hex Bolt (#SU00303485) is a fundamental auto part in the Toyota vehicle assembly. This bolt plays a key role in securing components and ensuring smooth operation of the gear shift and lever shaft mechanism. The Hex Bolt (#SU00303485) interacts with a variety of elements, including washers, nuts, or directly into a threaded hole to maintain a secure, solid connection. As the bolt ages, wear and tear can compromise its integrity, potentially leading to mechanical faults within the system. Replacement is recommended to maintain vehicle safety and efficiency, and opting for genuine Toyota parts ensures the compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, Toyota's genuine parts come with a warranty. When the Hex Bolt (#SU00303485) functions optimally, it greatly contributes to the performance and safety of the vehicle's drive mechanism, fostering a balanced and smooth ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU00303485

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