Junction Block Bolt

About this product

The Junction Block Bolt (#8267852020), a pivotal component in Toyota's Electrical/Switch & Relay & Computer systems, serves an essential role in securing the junction block, which houses various electrical connections and circuits. Functioning as the binding agent, it keeps the block in place, ensuring the flow of electricity stays consistent and safe. However, continuous use can lead to wear and tear, risking loosening of the bolt and potential disruptions in the electrical flow. Consequently, periodic replacement is advised to maintain the consistent performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle. Always opt for genuine Toyota parts for perfect compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By ensuring the steady and secure function of the junction block, the Junction Block Bolt (#8267852020) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's electrical systems.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82678-52020

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