Stud Bolt

About this product

The Stud Bolt (#90116-08208), a key component in the Engine-Fuel Cylinder Block and the Engine-Fuel Timing Gear Cover & Rear End Plate systems of a Toyota vehicle, is responsible for fastening these critical parts securely. The bolt's role in the operation of the systems is to maintain stability and alignment, providing a steady, robust connection between system components. Genuine Toyota Stud Bolt (#90116-08208)s are recommended to ensure compatibility and longevity, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, these bolts can wear out or become damaged, which may lead to improper fastening of the system components. This could lead to serious engine damage or operational inefficiencies. By keeping these components securely fastened, the Stud Bolt (#90116-08208) contributes significantly to the overall performance, safety and efficiency of the engine system. Regular replacement of this part is recommended for optimal operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90116-08208

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