Stud Bolt

About this product

The Stud Bolt (#90116-08389), an integral part of the Engine Oil Pump system, holds a key role in the engine-fuel compartment. This sturdy component ensures the various elements of the system remain securely fastened, facilitating the smooth flow of engine oil. Genuine Toyota auto parts are crucial for maintaining compatibility with your vehicle. Should the Stud Bolt (#90116-08389) become old or deteriorated, it risks losing its holding power, potentially leading to loose engine parts. This may result in decreased system performance or even serious mechanical damage. Regular replacement is therefore necessary. Genuine Toyota replacement parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Stud Bolt (#90116-08389) is paramount to the safety and efficiency of the Engine Oil Pump system, reinforcing the structural integrity of the engine components.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 15104-66010
Part Number 90116-08389

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