U Bolt

About this product

The U Bolt (#90117-08199), a critical Engine-Fuel part in the Exhaust Pipe system, plays a fundamental role in securing the exhaust pipe to the vehicle's undercarriage. This function fosters a seamless exhaust gas flow, contributing to the efficient operation of the engine. Its genuine part compatibility makes it a reliable fit for Toyota vehicles, backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. With time, the U Bolt (#90117-08199) can wear out or corrode due to exhaust heat and environmental factors. A faulty U Bolt (#90117-08199) could lead to a loose exhaust pipe, causing rattling noise and potential damage to the exhaust system. Subsequently, it is crucial to check and replace this part periodically. In essence, the U Bolt (#90117-08199) contributes significantly towards maintaining the exhaust system's stability, optimizing engine performance, and ensuring the safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90118-08136
Part Number 90117-08199

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