U Bolt

About this product

As a Drive-Chassis part in the Front Spring & Shock Absorber system, the U Bolt (#90117-14036) plays a pivotal role in maintaining vehicle stability and ensuring a smooth ride. This crucial component applies uniform pressure across the leaf spring to provide effective suspension and damping vibrations. As the U Bolt (#90117-14036) functions, associated components like the leaf spring and shock absorber contribute to its operation. However, like all auto parts, the U Bolt (#90117-14036) requires periodic replacement. Neglecting this can lead to a compromised suspension system, causing discomfort during journeys and potential safety risks. Using genuine Toyota parts significantly enhances compatibility with the vehicle and comes with the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, a well-functioning U Bolt (#90117-14036) is a key contributor to the overall efficiency of the vehicle's suspension system, enhancing ride comfort and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90117-14017;90118-14188
Part Number 90117-14036

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