Union Bolt

About this product

A critical component of the Clutch Release Cylinder system, the Union Bolt (#90401-10047), is a Drive-Chassis part that plays a vital role within this system. This part allows for the transmission of hydraulic power to the clutch's release mechanism, facilitating smooth and accurate operation. Genuine Union Bolt (#90401-10047)s, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, contribute significantly to vehicle compatibility and performance. Over time, the Union Bolt (#90401-10047) can wear down, become clogged, or break, which may impede the clutch's release mechanism. This can result in inefficient vehicle operation, potential safety risks, and an increase in maintenance costs. Replacing the Union Bolt (#90401-10047) periodically is crucial for maintaining the vehicle's efficiency and safety. With a new, genuine Union Bolt (#90401-10047), you can maintain the optimal performance of your vehicle’s clutch release system to support safe and smooth driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90401-10047

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