Union Bolt

About this product

The Union Bolt (#90401-12033) is a vital part of the Fuel Injection System in Toyota vehicles, functioning primarily as an integral component in the Engine-Fuel system. This auto part serves as a secure connector, linking crucial fuel system parts to form a cohesive, efficient unit. Genuine Toyota auto parts, like the Union Bolt (#90401-12033), offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This auto part does require periodic replacement. When it becomes old, worn out, or non-functional, the overall performance of your fuel injection system can become compromised, possibly resulting in decreased fuel efficiency or even a breakdown. By maintaining the secure connections within the fuel injection system, the Union Bolt (#90401-12033) plays a crucial role in the system's overall efficiency and safety, ensuring your vehicle performs at its best.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90923-01372
Part Number 90401-12033

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