Union Bolt

About this product

The Union Bolt (#90401-12039), a crucial part in the Drive-Chassis Oil Cooler and Transaxle Assembly systems of your Toyota vehicle, plays a pivotal role in these mechanisms. This component is responsible for securely fastening parts within these systems, ensuring they work seamlessly while offering optimal performance. Genuine parts such as the Union Bolt (#90401-12039) contribute tremendously to your vehicle's compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this part may become worn out or broken, impacting the overall efficiency of the system. Failure to replace a deteriorated Union Bolt (#90401-12039) can lead to loose or unsecured parts, potentially causing serious mechanical issues. In conclusion, the Union Bolt (#90401-12039) is integral to maintaining the safety and efficiency of your vehicle's Drive-Chassis system. Regular replacement ensures the system operates as intended, enhancing your Toyota's performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90401-12039

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