Bolt&Wash M8X37

About this product

The Bolt&Wash M8X37 (#SU003-02856), a vital component in Toyota's Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, is responsible for providing a secure hold for the assembly. This bolt and washer set, which fits seamlessly with Toyota vehicles, is designed to withstand mechanical vibration and shock, thereby keeping the integrity of the glove compartment and instrument panel intact. Given its role in the vehicle, it's important to replace the bolt and washer set when it ages or gets damaged. Old or broken sets can compromise the stability of the panel, which may lead to loose or shaky compartments and a subpar driving experience. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Bolt&Wash M8X37 (#SU003-02856), come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing added peace of mind. In addition, this small but significant part contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by maintaining the stability of the instrument panel, a crucial interface for the driver.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02856

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