Boot Assembly P Brakelhd

About this product

The Boot Assembly P Brakelhd (#SU003-06283), a fundamental part of Toyota's Console Box & Bracket system, plays a critical role in maintaining vehicle operation. Its job is to protect the brake lever from dust, dirt, and other contaminants that could hinder its function. This boot assembly is specifically designed to work with Toyota vehicles, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal performance. However, like many car parts, the Boot Assembly P Brakelhd (#SU003-06283) won't last forever. Over time, it can become worn, damaged, or filled with debris, necessitating replacement. Without a fully operational boot assembly, contaminants could infiltrate your brake system, leading to reduced performance or even failure. As a genuine Toyota part, the Boot Assembly P Brakelhd (#SU003-06283) is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Its role in maintaining the cleanliness of the brake lever directly contributes to braking efficiency and vehicle safety. Regular replacement of this part is essential to uphold your vehicle's performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-06283

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