Parking Brake Lever Boot

About this product

The Parking Brake Lever Boot (#46241-22060), a key component within the Drive-Chassis part, plays a critical role in the Parking Brake & Cable system of Toyota vehicles. This part is primarily responsible for protecting the parking brake lever from dirt, dust, and other external contaminants that could compromise its operation. Over time, the Parking Brake Lever Boot (#46241-22060) can deteriorate or become damaged, allowing foreign materials to infiltrate the brake system. When this happens, brake performance can be compromised, leading to potential safety risks. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part with a genuine Toyota component is essential for maintaining optimal brake performance and vehicle safety. Remember, genuine Toyota parts are designed for perfect fit and compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Parking Brake Lever Boot (#46241-22060) plays a crucial role in both the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's brake system, making it an essential component in your vehicle's maintenance routine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 46241-22060

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