
About this product

The Boot (#SU003-00831), a key Drive-Chassis part in the Front Steering Gear & Link system, plays a central role in preserving the overall health and longevity of your Toyota's steering mechanisms. Its primary job is to protect the steering gear from dust, debris, and other contaminants that could compromise its function. Complementary to the steering gear, it is crucial in maintaining clean and smooth operations of the steering system. The Boot (#SU003-00831) is not immune to wear and tear, and periodic replacement is integral to maintain optimum performance. An old, clogged or broken Boot (#SU003-00831) can allow entry of harmful particles into the steering gear, causing potential damage and impacting the vehicle's maneuverability. By using genuine Toyota parts, you will benefit from both the impeccable compatibility with your vehicle and the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Boot (#SU003-00831), in particular, contributes significantly to the stability, precision, and safety of your vehicle’s steering system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00831

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