Transfer Front Drive Shift Boot

About this product

The Transfer Front Drive Shift Boot (#36318-60020), a key Drive-Chassis component in the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system, plays a critical role in preserving the integrity and performance of your Toyota vehicle. This part provides a protective seal, keeping out dust, dirt, and other debris from the interior mechanisms of the transfer drive system during operation. With time, the Shift Boot may become worn or damaged, and if left unattended, could allow harmful particles to infiltrate the system causing premature wear or damage to the transfer drive. Consequently, periodic replacement of this component is recommended. Genuine Toyota parts ensure compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Transfer Front Drive Shift Boot (#36318-60020)'s effective seal contributes significantly to the system's overall efficiency and safety, maintaining high levels of performance while preventing unnecessary wear and tear.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36318-60020

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