Coin Box Assembly

About this product

The Coin Box Assembly (#55450-0C010), a key component in Toyota's Body Console Box & Bracket and Body Seat & Seat Track systems, serves as an organized and safe space for storing coins. It functions smoothly, allowing easy access to coins when needed. Like all auto parts, with prolonged usage, the Coin Box Assembly (#55450-0C010) might wear out or break, potentially causing inconvenience or minor hazards due to loose coins. The usage of genuine Toyota parts ensures perfect compatibility with your vehicle and is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Neglected or non-functional Coin Box Assemblies might lead to coins falling into narrow recesses, causing rattling noises or, worst-case scenario, interfering with driving controls. A well-maintained Coin Box Assembly (#55450-0C010) contributes to the overall convenience and safety in your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55450-0C010

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