Engine Room Engine Control Module Box

About this product

The Engine Room Engine Control Module Box (#82771-48010), an crucial electrical part within the Electronic Fuel Injection System, holds the power to control the engine's operation. This part's primary role is to manage the amount of fuel being injected into the engine, determining the engine's performance and fuel efficiency. It works in conjunction with sensors that send data about the engine's condition, and then uses this information to optimize fuel injection. Old or broken module boxes can lead to poor engine performance, including reduced fuel efficiency and increased emissions. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. Genuine parts from Toyota guarantee compatibility and are covered by the brand's parts warranty, offering peace of mind and ensuring optimal vehicle performance. In conclusion, the Engine Room Engine Control Module Box (#82771-48010) is integral to a vehicle's overall efficiency, contributing to optimal fuel use and emissions control.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82771-48010

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