Fuel Inlet Box

About this product

The Fuel Inlet Box (#61725-12340), a Body part in the Side Member system of your Toyota, is an integral component that facilitates the transport of fuel from the tank to the engine. This auto part has a critical role in the fuel supply system, directing fuel efficiently and steadily. This essential part, like all Toyota genuine parts, is designed to work harmoniously with your vehicle, thus ensuring compatibility and peak performance. Plus, it comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, due to constant usage, the Fuel Inlet Box (#61725-12340) can become clogged or damaged, which can impede the flow of fuel. An old or non-functional part can result in reduced engine performance, fuel inefficiency, or even potential engine damage. In sum, a well-functioning Fuel Inlet Box (#61725-12340) is vital for the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, contributing to a smoother, more reliable ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61725-12340

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