Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Box

About this product

The Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Box (#72863-AC020-C0), a key Body part in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, serves as an essential storage and comfort feature in Toyota vehicles. This component not only enhances passenger comfort by providing a resting place for the arm but also offers additional storage space for small items. The functionality of this part is directly linked to the comfort and convenience of vehicle occupants. Over time, the Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Box (#72863-AC020-C0) may experience wear and tear, potentially affecting its usability and aesthetic appeal. It is crucial to replace this part periodically to maintain the overall functionality and appearance of the vehicle's interior. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts ensures vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Box (#72863-AC020-C0) contributes significantly to the comfort, convenience, and overall efficiency of a Toyota vehicle, emphasizing the importance of maintaining its optimal condition.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72863-AC020-C0
Color Name Black

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