Instrument Panel Coin Box Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Instrument Panel Coin Box Sub-Assembly (#55408-AA010-B0), classified under the Body part of the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, is a significant component in Toyota vehicles. Its primary role is to provide a safe and convenient storage space for coins or small items, ensuring they are easily accessible yet securely stored while the vehicle is in operation. With time, this part may become worn out or broken, necessitating replacement. Genuine Toyota parts are crucial for optimal vehicle compatibility, and they are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing additional peace of mind. If the Instrument Panel Coin Box Sub-Assembly (#55408-AA010-B0) becomes non-functional, it could cause inconvenience and potential safety issues, as loose items might become a distraction for the driver. Therefore, keeping this part in good condition contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55408-AA010-B0
Color Name Stone

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