
About this product

The Bracket (#88688-28040) is a key Electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle. It plays a pivotal role in securely mounting and supporting different components within the system, thereby facilitating seamless operation. The Bracket (#88688-28040) works in unison with other components, holding them in the correct alignment and preventing any unwanted movement or vibration. Like other parts, the Bracket (#88688-28040) requires periodic replacement. If old or damaged, it may not provide the necessary support, leading to misalignment, improper function, or even damage to other parts of the system. Using Toyota genuine parts like the Bracket (#88688-28040) can enhance vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a functional Bracket (#88688-28040) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the Switch & Relay & Computer system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88688-28040

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