Air Conditioning Mounting Bracket #3

The Air Conditioning Mounting Bracket #3 (#5534642050), a part of the Body/Console Box & Bracket system, plays a crucial role in your vehicle's functionality. This auto part is primarily in charge of securely holding the air conditioning unit, preventing it from moving or vibrating while the vehicle is in operation. Genuine Toyota parts are compatible with your vehicle, and they are covered under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like any other auto part, the Air Conditioning Mounting Bracket #3 (#5534642050) may wear out or break over time. If this happens, the air conditioning unit may not function properly, compromising the comfort inside the vehicle. Regular inspection and replacement of this part can help maintain the efficiency and safety of the system. This bracket's presence contributes to the overall stability and functionality of the air conditioning system, providing a comfortable driving environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55346-42050

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