Assist Grip Bracket #3 Right Hand

About this product

The Assist Grip Bracket #3 Right Hand (#61245-60020), a vital Body part within the Side Member system of your Toyota vehicle, primarily functions to secure the assist grip, ensuring stability and support during vehicle operation. It works harmoniously with other components of the system, offering enhanced safety and comfort for passengers. With genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is never a concern, and the reliability is reinforced by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Assist Grip Bracket #3 Right Hand (#61245-60020) may wear or become damaged, necessitating its replacement. If neglected, a faulty bracket could result in the assist grip becoming unstable, potentially compromising the safety of passengers. Replacing this part as needed not only maintains the functionality of the assist grip but also contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61245-60020

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