Back Door Stay Bracket Upper Right Hand

About this product

The Back Door Stay Bracket Upper Right Hand (#61655-WB001), a critical Body part in the Side Member system for Toyota vehicles, plays an indispensable role in maintaining vehicle functionality. This part works by providing support to the back door, helping to keep it securely in place when it's open. Aged, broken or non-functional brackets could lead to a loose door, posing a potential safety risk. Underscoring the requirement for regular replacement, it's paramount to remember that only genuine Toyota parts ensure seamless compatibility with your vehicle. These genuine parts are also fortified by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, adding an extra layer of assurance for customers. In conclusion, the Back Door Stay Bracket Upper Right Hand (#61655-WB001) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by ensuring the back door remains secure and stable, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61655-WB001

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