Back Door Window Frame Bracket B Right Hand

The Back Door Window Frame Bracket B Right Hand (#686660C010), a crucial component in the Body/Back Door Panel & Glass system, is pivotal to the vehicle's structural integrity. This bracket functions by securing the window pane within the door panel, providing a safe, stable environment for the glass. With time, the bracket can suffer from wear and tear, compromising its efficiency. When old or damaged, it may lead to wobbling or even detachment of the window, causing potential safety hazards. Therefore, periodic replacement is highly recommended to maintain overall vehicle safety. Choosing genuine Toyota Autoparts for replacements offers compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As a related part, the Back Door Window Frame Bracket A works in unison with Bracket B to bolster the window's stability. Collectively, these parts enhance both the safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 68666-0C010

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